HauteCouture Handwritten Script Font
Haute Couture is a handwritten signature font with a calligraphy flair, ideal for creating handwritten-style logos, wedding stationery, photographer watermarks logos, modern websites, and more.
Haute Couture features heart connectors, handwritten ligatures, and beginning and end swashes for lowercase letters.
Moodboard Mockup Kit
This is a high resolution moodboard mockup kit, compatible with Adobe Photoshop and distinctive because of its natural look and many options. The download features 18 premade scenes, 13 background textures, natural shadows, lighting overlay options and much more! The mockups are very easy to adjust by simply placing your images via smart objects and toggling on lighting, texture and shadow options. There’s also a help guide included with the basic steps how to use this product. The vast amount of options to customize these mockups to your own needs enables you to create realistic and authentic scenes.
Earthy Abstract Shapes + Logos
This pack is full of watercolor shapes, backgrounds and pencil branch sketches. I have also included three sets of logos for those of you who would like to incorporate it easily into your branding projects. Other great uses include print and web projects such as wedding invitations, web design and greeting cards. Create your own compositions or use any of the pre-made ones to get started.
Cutout – Backgrounds, Shapes + Logos
This set of abstract shapes and backgrounds allows you to completely customize colors in Illustrator. Compositions were created using vector shapes. The texture on top is a seamless raster pattern that gives this pack a unique look. You can play around with its intensity, scale it or remove it all together. This set comes with pre-made logos to make your branding needs easier.